Hello Cobb Families, the water line at Cobb School has been repaired and school will be in session tomorrow. We appreciate everyone's patience. Our MUSD maintenance crew, with help from the amazing folks at the Cobb Water Department, worked together to resolve the situation.
3 months ago, Scott Ferguson
February 19-23: President Week
3 months ago, Toby Wilder
TK/Kindergarten Registration
3 months ago, Toby Wilder
TK/K Roundup Flier
Check out this awesome Attendance Challenge! When big prizes.
3 months ago, Scott Ferguson
Attendance Challenge
We celebrated the 100th day of school today. Our kindergartners celebrated with a blacklight extravaganza!!!!
3 months ago, Scott Ferguson
Blacklight fun
blacklight fun
5 months ago, Toby Wilder
5 months ago, Toby Wilder
Winter Performance: Wednesday, December 20th. Doors open @ 5:30. Program starts @ 6:00pm. TK-6th will have songs and skits for you to enjoy!
6 months ago, Toby Wilder
pic of  a snowman
Trick or Treat in Loch Lomand
7 months ago, Toby Wilder
trick or treat
Halloween Carnival 9:10am Parade 9:30am Costume Celebration 9:45 Class Halloween Activities begin/PTO Haunted Alley 12:00 Activities end There is a sign-up sheet on the office door if you would like to donate snacks
7 months ago, Toby Wilder